As a health center, you rely on Google Ads to get the word out about your organization and attract new patients. So, it’s frustrating when you search for your health center, and your ad doesn’t show up.
There could be several reasons why your health center’s ad isn’t appearing in Google search results. It could be that your ad is disapproved, your ad spend is exhausted, or you’re simply not targeting the right keywords.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at each of these reasons and what you can do to fix the problem.
How Do you know That Your Ad Is Not Appearing In Google Search Results?
The easiest way to determine whether or not your ad is appearing in Google search results is to ask a friend or colleague to search for your health center on Google. If they don’t see your ad, then you know there’s a problem.
If you’re still unsure, you can use the Google Ads debug tool to see a list of all the ads that are running for your health center. This tool will also tell you why your ad isn’t appearing in search results.
6 Reasons Your Ad Might Not Be Showing Up In Google Search Results
1. Pending Ad or Ad Disapproval
If your ad is pending, it means that Google hasn’t reviewed it yet, and it hasn’t been approved to run. It is usually because your ad could be violating one of Google’s policies. To fix this, you’ll need to edit your ad so that it complies with Google’s policies and resubmit it for review.
If your ad has been disapproved, it could be due to one of the following reasons:
- The ad doesn’t comply with Google’s advertising policies: Google has several policies that all ads must comply with. If your ad doesn’t comply with one of these policies, it will be disapproved.
- If the landing page isn’t working: Google wants to ensure that users have a good experience when clicking on an ad. If the landing page for your ad is broken or not working correctly, Google will disapprove of the ad.
- If there’s a problem with the ad itself: If there’s something wrong with the actual ad (e.g., the text is too small or the image is blurry), Google will disapprove of it.
To check whether your ad has been disapproved, sign in to your Google Ads account and click “Ads & extensions.” You’ll see a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark next to your ad.
To fix this, you’ll need to edit your ad so that it meets the requirements of the Google Ad Grant program and then resubmit it for review.
2. Ad Is Paused
Another reason your health center’s ad may not appear in search results is that your ad is paused. When you create a Google Ads campaign, your ad starts out in a “paused” state. This means that your ad won’t show up in search results until you unpause it.
To unpause your ad, sign in to your Google Ads account and click “Ads & extensions.” From there, you can unpause your ad.
3. Keyword Targeting
If your ad isn’t appearing in search results, it could also be that you’re not targeting the right keyword. When you create a Google Ads campaign, you choose the keywords that you want your ad to appear for.
If your health center targets the wrong keywords, your ad won’t appear in search results. To find the right keywords, you’ll need to do some research. You can start by using Google’s Keyword Planner tool.
Once you’ve found the right keywords, you’ll need to add them to your Google Ads campaign. You can do this by signing in to your Google Ads account and clicking “Keywords.” From there, you can add, edit, and delete keywords.
4. Ad Locations
Another reason your health center’s ad may not be appearing in search results is that you’re not targeting the correct location. When you create a Google Ads campaign, you choose the locations that you want your ad to appear in.
If your health center targets the wrong locations, your ad won’t show up in search results. To find the right locations, you’ll need to do some research. You can start by using Google’s Location Insights tool.
Once you’ve found the right locations, you’ll need to add them to your Google Ads campaign. You can do this by signing in to your Google Ads account and clicking “Locations.” From there, you can add, edit, and delete locations.
5. Exhausted Ad Spend
Another reason your health center’s ad may not be appearing in Google search results is that you’ve exhausted your daily ad spend. When you create a Google Ads campaign, you set a daily budget for how much you’re willing to spend on your ad.
If you’ve reached your daily budget, your ad will stop appearing in search results until the next day. You can check how much you have left by signing in to your Google Ads account and clicking “Campaigns.” Under “Status,” you’ll see how much budget you have left for the day.
To continue running your ad, you’ll need to raise your daily budget. You can do this by signing in to your Google Ads account and clicking “Billing.” From there, you can adjust your daily budget.
6. Negative Keywords
Another reason your health center’s ad may not appear in search results is that you’re using negative keywords. When you create a Google Ads campaign, you can choose to add negative keywords.
Negative keywords are words or phrases you don’t want your ad to appear for. If someone searches for a word or phrase that is a negative keyword, your ad won’t appear.
If you’re using negative keywords, you’ll need to ensure that they don’t overlap with your target keywords. To find out which keywords are being used as negative keywords, sign in to your Google Ads account and click “Shared Library.” From there, you can view your negative keywords.
If your health center’s ad isn’t appearing in search results, it could be due to one of the reasons listed above. By troubleshooting these problems, you can get your ad back on the first page of search results.
If you’re still having trouble getting your health center’s ad to appear in Google search results, Target Continuum is here for you. Our team of experts can troubleshoot the issue and get your ad running again in no time.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.